Castaway With Purpose

A documentary film by Around-n-Over

"Life is a gift -- live it!"

Erden Eruç

Swags and Argosy Cruise in Seattle

Greetings Castaway with Purpose supporters!

It has been some time since the last official update, and the time has come. The process of putting this documentary together and all of the related tasks is a mighty and challenging endeavor.  What follows is a brief recap of what we have been doing since successfully completing our Kickstarter campaign back in August with your generous support.

Dannul Dailey was working through the countless hours of raw footage from the journey itself, in a temporary office space.  Later, Nancy and I were able to set up a permanent workspace in our home for Dannul to work side by side with me during this process.  Story lines, timelines and budgets were laid out on the walls which became a constantly evolving work in progress.

We built this dedicated website to help keep you current and new supporters informed. Here, we want to offer snippets from the journey and teasers for the movie itself. This website will also include a supporter’s page and give you the ability to purchase gifts to further support the cause.  Please stay tuned.

The work continues and the excitement grows.  Please take a look at our new movie trailer under VIDEOS in the left menu and peruse the site. On the top right are the links to the Vimeo and YouTube channels, as well as the Castaway with Purpose Facebook page.  As always, we welcome your comments and feedback. Please check here often.

As for the swags, we already mailed the t-shirts and hats which were among the swag commitments of the Kickstarter campaign.  We are very proud of these items and hope that those of you who received them also feel the same.   For those backers awaiting a photo book, they have arrived and will be shipped next week.  I truly enjoyed putting together what turned out to be a 90-page book and revisiting so many different aspects of my five year journey. These will be available for sale on our supporters page when ready.

We are all very excited about the Royal Argosy dinner cruise which will take place in Seattle on April 26th.  This is going to be a great night to celebrate the project with our supporters while providing previews of select scenes from the documentary to those in attendance.  It will be nice to fill that boat with only our supporters. We still have some remaining space available on this cruise and would love to have you and your friends join us!  Please pass on the word. If anyone is interested in attending, they can contact us using the CONTACT in the left menu.

Thanks again and stay tuned for more Castaway with Purpose news.

Erden Eruç